atom02:Activity Research

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No specific rules for making music outside or inside can be given, since it is very closely related to the cultural background of the type of music that is made, as well as the genre of music and the instrument used.
No specific rules for making music outside or inside can be given, since it is very closely related to the cultural background of the type of music that is made, as well as the genre of music and the instrument used.
''Sources:'''''; wiki article on music; wiki article on lux; personal experience as a musician (over 6 years) and many stories from musician friends.
'''''Sources:'''''; wiki article on music; wiki article on lux; personal experience as a musician (over 6 years) and many stories from musician friends.
'''''Culture:''''' The action of reading is defined as decoding symbols for the intention of deriving meaning of it. Reading can be done with the purpose of learning (e.g. for study or own personal interest) or as entertainment (fictional reading can go from high end literature to low-end comic books). What is read is a personal matter and is not influenced by or has influence on the direct environment (apart from mandatory study literature).
'''''Light:''''' Seeing how reading is defined as decoding symbols, this activity requires (natural) light. The right light intensity is very important. Too much or too little light makes it harder to read, thus straining the person doing the activity. Since 1990 the appropriate lighting levels for reading is between 600-800 lux. (overcast day = 1000 lux, full daylight (not direct) = 10.000-25.000 lux).
Culture: The action of reading is defined as decoding symbols for the intention of deriving meaning of it. Reading can be done with the purpose of learning (e.g. for study or own personal interest) or as entertainment (fictional reading can go from high end literature to low-end comic books). What is read is a personal matter and is not influenced by or has influence on the direct environment (apart from mandatory study literature).
'''''Sound:''''' Reading is a personal activity that takes place in the head of the person performing the activity. Therefore the typical activity does not produce any sound. And since reading is a very personal activity some people prefer to read in total silence, others prefer music. It can be said that the preference for music or silence is linked to what kind of reading a person is doing, but there is no specific rule to it.
'''''Climate:''''' There are no specific climate needs for the activity of reading. It could be done anywhere as long as the climate is considered ‘comfortable’. In this case ‘comfortable’ means a good temperature (which is typically somewhere between 17 – 25 degrees), with fresh air (no specific preference for natural or mechanic ventilation) and enough light. These general criteria go for every reader, although details will change.
Light: Seeing how reading is defined as decoding symbols, this activity requires (natural) light. The right light intensity is very important. Too much or too little light makes it harder to read, thus straining the person doing the activity. Since 1990 the appropriate lighting levels for reading is between 600-800 lux. (overcast day = 1000 lux, full daylight (not direct) = 10.000-25.000 lux).
'''''Surface (hard, soft):''''' During the reading activity all attention is (or should be) focused on the reading, therefore a comfortable position for the person should be guaranteed. The definition of ‘comfortable’ is quite broad and very personal indeed. To maintain the focus on reading the reader is usually in a sitting or lying position. While sitting it is preferred with some support in the back or a surface to place the book upon. While lying the only requirement is that the surface should not be too hard, since that causes uncomfortable feelings for the reader.
'''''Time:''''' The time of day the activity of reading is performed depends a lot on what the reader is reading. Reading for entertainment is mostly done when the reader feels like relaxing: in the morning, in the evening, or during the weekend. For literature or studying purposes the daytime is preferred (and weekdays over weekend days) because it will be easier for the reader to maintain his focus. The general activity of reading could be done at any time of day and any day of the week.
Sound: Reading is a personal activity that takes place in the head of the person performing the activity. Therefore the typical activity does not produce any sound. And since reading is a very personal activity some people prefer to read in total silence, others prefer music. It can be said that the preference for music or silence is linked to what kind of reading a person is doing, but there is no specific rule to it.
'''''Location (inside-outside):''''' The activity of reading is independent of time, location and climate. Therefore it can be performed both outside and inside, just as the reader prefers it.
Climate: There are no specific climate needs for the activity of reading. It could be done anywhere as long as the climate is considered ‘comfortable’. In this case ‘comfortable’ means a good temperature (which is typically somewhere between 17 – 25 degrees), with fresh air (no specific preference for natural or mechanic ventilation) and enough light. These general criteria go for every reader, although details will change.
Surface (hard, soft): During the reading activity all attention is (or should be) focused on the reading, therefore a comfortable position for the person should be guaranteed. The definition of ‘comfortable’ is quite broad and very personal indeed. To maintain the focus on reading the reader is usually in a sitting or lying position. While sitting it is preferred with some support in the back or a surface to place the book upon. While lying the only requirement is that the surface should not be too hard, since that causes uncomfortable feelings for the reader.
Time: The time of day the activity of reading is performed depends a lot on what the reader is reading. Reading for entertainment is mostly done when the reader feels like relaxing: in the morning, in the evening, or during the weekend. For literature or studying purposes the daytime is preferred (and weekdays over weekend days) because it will be easier for the reader to maintain his focus. The general activity of reading could be done at any time of day and any day of the week.
Location (inside-outside): The activity of reading is independent of time, location and climate. Therefore it can be performed both outside and inside, just as the reader prefers it.
Sources:, wiki article on lux, wiki article on reading.
'''''Sources:''''', wiki article on lux, wiki article on reading.

Latest revision as of 15:03, 3 October 2011

Make music

Culture: Music is a form of art, working with sound and silence. The concept of music is very dependent on culture, with big differences between strict organisation (playing only what is written on paper) and loose playing (like improvising or jamming). Making music can be done solo, in a band or ensemble, or in a full size orchestra. To make music even more differential there are hundreds of different musical instruments and maybe thousands different genres and cultures in music. Varying between classical music, black metal, country music and hip hop.

Light: Light has no direct link to making music, theoretically making music could be done without any light. However to read the sheet music or to have better control over the instrument (by being able to see it), light is required. The intensity of the light is not very important, but it could be said that intensity between 600-800 lux is ideal to be able to read the sheet music. Because of the little importance of light on this activity, there is no preference for natural light or artificial light.

Sound: The basic principle of making music is making sounds. Depending on the type of instrument and genre of music the production of sound can vary between little sound (violin) and a lot of sound (drums, electric guitars). In some cases people surrounding the area where music is made find the production of sound quite pleasant, but this is of course closely linked to the level of the musician, the instrument he is playing and the genre of music that is being played. In general it can be said that the space where music is made should not let any sound escape, as to ‘save’ the people surrounding the space from hearing things they do not want to hear. On the other side: sound entering the practice space is a hinder as well, as it might disturb the musician in his rehearsal. This, of course, also depends on the kind of instrument that is been played and the music genre. Example: when playing drums or death metal external sound does not matter, but when practising vocals or violin external sound can be very distracting.

Climate: Climate has a little role on the activity of making music. It’s main influence is on the musical instrument. For almost all instruments the temperature should be ‘room temperature’, meaning between 17-25 degrees Celsius. Big changes in temperature are very bad for the instrument and could even damage the instrument. For using the vocal instrument the humidity is very important, since a low humidity will irritate the throat. Instruments like percussion are not as sensitive for temperature and humidity as wood and wind instruments are.

Surface: The surface a musician prefers is partly dependent on the type of instrument he is playing and what kind of music. Classical music is often played standing or sitting on the edge of a solid chair (bassoon, cello, and double bass). For improvising sessions a more comfortable sitting area could be required, since this is more in the nature of the cultural background. Since the surface is partly dependent on the type of instrument and music that is played, no general answer can be provided.

Time: Making music can be done at any time of the day, but is usually restricted between 9 and 22 when playing in urban areas (as not to disturb the neighbours). Playing percussion instruments is usually done in a smaller timeframe, while improvising session have a wider timeframe since they are done in public areas such as bars. It all depends on the location where music is made, the instrument that is used and the cultural background of the type of music.

Outside/Inside: Depending on the type of music that is made it can be done inside or outside. This is also closely linked to the cultural background of the way of making music and the genre. Classical music is mostly practised inside, as to protect the (mostly expensive) instrument from weather and to create a calm atmosphere. Improvisation and jam sessions in groups are very well suited to be done outside, since the cultural background of this type of music making is more socially.

No specific rules for making music outside or inside can be given, since it is very closely related to the cultural background of the type of music that is made, as well as the genre of music and the instrument used.

Sources:; wiki article on music; wiki article on lux; personal experience as a musician (over 6 years) and many stories from musician friends.



Culture: The action of reading is defined as decoding symbols for the intention of deriving meaning of it. Reading can be done with the purpose of learning (e.g. for study or own personal interest) or as entertainment (fictional reading can go from high end literature to low-end comic books). What is read is a personal matter and is not influenced by or has influence on the direct environment (apart from mandatory study literature).

Light: Seeing how reading is defined as decoding symbols, this activity requires (natural) light. The right light intensity is very important. Too much or too little light makes it harder to read, thus straining the person doing the activity. Since 1990 the appropriate lighting levels for reading is between 600-800 lux. (overcast day = 1000 lux, full daylight (not direct) = 10.000-25.000 lux).

Sound: Reading is a personal activity that takes place in the head of the person performing the activity. Therefore the typical activity does not produce any sound. And since reading is a very personal activity some people prefer to read in total silence, others prefer music. It can be said that the preference for music or silence is linked to what kind of reading a person is doing, but there is no specific rule to it.

Climate: There are no specific climate needs for the activity of reading. It could be done anywhere as long as the climate is considered ‘comfortable’. In this case ‘comfortable’ means a good temperature (which is typically somewhere between 17 – 25 degrees), with fresh air (no specific preference for natural or mechanic ventilation) and enough light. These general criteria go for every reader, although details will change.

Surface (hard, soft): During the reading activity all attention is (or should be) focused on the reading, therefore a comfortable position for the person should be guaranteed. The definition of ‘comfortable’ is quite broad and very personal indeed. To maintain the focus on reading the reader is usually in a sitting or lying position. While sitting it is preferred with some support in the back or a surface to place the book upon. While lying the only requirement is that the surface should not be too hard, since that causes uncomfortable feelings for the reader.

Time: The time of day the activity of reading is performed depends a lot on what the reader is reading. Reading for entertainment is mostly done when the reader feels like relaxing: in the morning, in the evening, or during the weekend. For literature or studying purposes the daytime is preferred (and weekdays over weekend days) because it will be easier for the reader to maintain his focus. The general activity of reading could be done at any time of day and any day of the week.

Location (inside-outside): The activity of reading is independent of time, location and climate. Therefore it can be performed both outside and inside, just as the reader prefers it.

Sources:, wiki article on lux, wiki article on reading.

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