atom08:NEW SITE

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Site a.gif


Br.jpg It seems logical to consider the future requirements of the site as part of its existing context. With the global population set to exceed 7 billion this year, there will be increasing pressure on the current housing stock. A strategy must be created to adapt the urban infrastructure as a pre-requisite for future housing development. In this way, the intervention should consider how to precipitate the future scenario by beginning to implement its possible requirements.



It seems logical to consider the future requirements of the site as part of its existing context. With the global population set to exceed 7 billion this year, there will be increasing pressure on the current housing stock. A strategy must be created to adapt the urban infrastructure as a pre-requisite for future housing development. In this way, the intervention should consider how to precipitate the future scenario by beginning to implement its possible requirements.


Br.jpg It seems logical to consider the future requirements of the site as part of its existing context. With the global population set to exceed 7 billion this year, there will be increasing pressure on the current housing stock. A strategy must be created to adapt the urban infrastructure as a pre-requisite for future housing development. In this way, the intervention should consider how to precipitate the future scenario by beginning to implement its possible requirements.



User activity.jpg Activities around the site are monitored to extract the different user groups and usage parameters. Like, which user group performs which activity and to what extent. The activity duration hours per day, the activity cycle around the year and the necessity factor regarding to that specific activity and user group. These parameters when compiled in terms of proportion, gives an approximate user activity dependency statistics in and around the site limits.


Site map b.jpg Site is inhabited by four types of user groups, namely Residential, Students, Floating passers-by and TU Delft employees; each of the classification has different life habits and needs/expectations.


SL4.jpg Here various functions taking place around the site are interconnected to one another giving rise to the conflict or intersection points in and around the site. This gives a rough idea about the overall dependency scenario.


Concept a.gif


Br.jpg It seems logical to consider the future requirements of the site as part of its existing context. With the global population set to exceed 7 billion this year, there will be increasing pressure on the current housing stock. A strategy must be created to adapt the urban infrastructure as a pre-requisite for future housing development. In this way, the intervention should consider how to precipitate the future scenario by beginning to implement its possible requirements.

Read more about our analysis


SPATIAL concept.jpg The site at present lies dormant, with majority of activities taking place around it. Here what is majorly missing is the concept of spatial and visual interaction among user groups and functions. Spaces can further be intensified into Neutral, Nodal and Nomadic in nature. Each of these have their own visual interaction qualities. The main aim is to combine all of these into a space providing a urban-like experience with maximum interaction levels

Project a.gif


This project indicates a dynamic way of expanding from a flat surface into a fabricated system. The whole system shows different situations of density, which forms various spaces inside and outside. This dynamic system includes, components, skins and structures, and illustrates a smooth change in the fabrication of architecture. Users would treat this not only as constructed object but also as an integral enhancement of the site. Our concept "Symbiosis" in a way reflects this very phenomenon. Project ex2.jpg This project begins with an investigation into topological surfaces, different modules will be developed that could function both as surface and structure. The developed modules will allow for numerous connection combinations which enables behavioral characteristics within the system including, bending, torquing, flipping, splitting, and lifting by alternating component connections/ units and scale in order to adapt to various site parameters like user density, sun, wind, precipitation and noise. At some parts components morph into flat panels which merge with the ground. This will allow the system to act both as floor, wall, and roof, while blurring the lines between these conditions.


Our intervention will be a path through the park linking different uses. These uses will be walking, cycling, skateboarding, lounge area’s indoors and outdoors. This path will be a three-dimensional spatial structure that is shaped/molded/wrapped/warped according to the use. The structure will be interactive with its environment and its users. The primary task of such a structure as providing a sense of semi-enclosed space for people, alone or in groups, to feel comfortable while sitting, eating, transiting, conversing and/or reading along it. Project ex.jpg Linkages are conceived to allow for almost constant spatial experience when switching from one path to another. The user is in a state of constant arrival to the same destination repeatedly and this view is mediated and controlled by the imposed view angle of the space, enclosure, openings and speed of motion. While performing the intervention, we need to take into account few other factors as well, like:

[exploring the design, rules and functioning of a multi component system in detail]

[exploring temporal structures]

[creating a place of linkage within the urban void]

[instrument for activating the present landscape]

[material/component re-usability or extension after completion of structure's life cycle]


Site path circulation analysis

This field will provide us with representational particles that might be the building blocks of our structure. These representational particles might be further developed by analyzing their density to observe their transitional behavior or by linking the particles together to produce a series of parallel strands and thus construct a relationship between the generated pattern and topographic condition. SL1.jpg SL2.jpg


Here different possible paths through the existing site are considered as attractors and thus create a field around it. All these separate path fields are then taken and superimposed on one another to extract a differential spatial conditions depending on the varying degrees of concentration of usage and accessibility. This will help in the organization of various functions and zoning the site in the most logical way. The Circulation study is based on programmatic functions such as; Gathering Area, Café, Transit linkages, BMX, Meditation and Exhibit. LA.jpg


Which is the appropriate position for each use/function?

Which use is placed high and which one lower?

Which use is visible and which one is hidden?

Which use can be indoor and which one outdoor? or semi-open?

Which part of the space is only for pedestrians, only for bikes-skateboards and where they can coexist?

Which functions are autonomous and which one can interact with the others?


Spaces a-01.jpg

Circulation studies where then applied to the spatial condition which then shifts and rotate the spaces accordingly, thus giving rise to various parti diagrams. The information gathered from site analysis was used as feedback.




Patterns and Geometry

Br.jpg It seems logical to consider the future requirements of the site as part of its existing context. With the global population set to exceed 7 billion this year, there will be increasing pressure on the current housing stock. A strategy must be created to adapt the urban infrastructure as a pre-requisite for future housing development. In this way, the intervention should consider how to precipitate the future scenario by beginning to implement its possible requirements.

Mapping Parameters

Br.jpg It seems logical to consider the future requirements of the site as part of its existing context. With the global population set to exceed 7 billion this year, there will be increasing pressure on the current housing stock. A strategy must be created to adapt the urban infrastructure as a pre-requisite for future housing development. In this way, the intervention should consider how to precipitate the future scenario by beginning to implement its possible requirements.



Br.jpg It seems logical to consider the future requirements of the site as part of its existing context. With the global population set to exceed 7 billion this year, there will be increasing pressure on the current housing stock. A strategy must be created to adapt the urban infrastructure as a pre-requisite for future housing development. In this way, the intervention should consider how to precipitate the future scenario by beginning to implement its possible requirements.


RULE.jpg Inorder for elements in these components to be self-organizing and reconfiguring, there have to be a set of inbuilt rules for them to arrange themselves, so that the system is not chaotic and at the same time, is not stable/static.

Rules would help to give a basis for the system to organize itself. A system must meet a number of conditions and constraints to be able to move from a disordered state to an ordered one. This could also be done by establishing a set of rules for the system. The intent is to create a system that has no organization within itself but, if provided with the right conditions, it could self-organize.

Exploring a set of rules. and how a change in one situation could affect the rest of the elements within the system. Also, how elements could self-organize themselves with just a few rules.


Br.jpg It seems logical to consider the future requirements of the site as part of its existing context. With the global population set to exceed 7 billion this year, there will be increasing pressure on the current housing stock. A strategy must be created to adapt the urban infrastructure as a pre-requisite for future housing development. In this way, the intervention should consider how to precipitate the future scenario by beginning to implement its possible requirements.


Br.jpg It seems logical to consider the future requirements of the site as part of its existing context. With the global population set to exceed 7 billion this year, there will be increasing pressure on the current housing stock. A strategy must be created to adapt the urban infrastructure as a pre-requisite for future housing development. In this way, the intervention should consider how to precipitate the future scenario by beginning to implement its possible requirements.


Br.jpg It seems logical to consider the future requirements of the site as part of its existing context. With the global population set to exceed 7 billion this year, there will be increasing pressure on the current housing stock. A strategy must be created to adapt the urban infrastructure as a pre-requisite for future housing development. In this way, the intervention should consider how to precipitate the future scenario by beginning to implement its possible requirements.


Br.jpg It seems logical to consider the future requirements of the site as part of its existing context. With the global population set to exceed 7 billion this year, there will be increasing pressure on the current housing stock. A strategy must be created to adapt the urban infrastructure as a pre-requisite for future housing development. In this way, the intervention should consider how to precipitate the future scenario by beginning to implement its possible requirements.


How much intelligence is efficient to embed

In order to understand which electronics and software would be best suited to our needs it is important to understand the different impacts that they could have on the user interface and resulting fabrication. There is a gradient of intelligence that can be embedded including an integration of more than one system approach.

BEAM(Biological, Electronic,Aesthetic, Mechanical)approach will be adopted in this regard.



Design of the component makes it inherently reactive to its environment. It is therefore possible to embed an intelligence into the component; an ability to respond to external conditions independently. It is conceivable to employ this technology in the focusing system associated with the enclosures. Based on system design, the component would continuously adapt by treating the connection between circuit components as neurons in the brain.

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STUDENTS BK: Wouter Kroon Ifigenia Dimitrakou



PROFESSIONALS: Ben Bisseling (royal haskoning)







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