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SOUND intervention

Project D: psychoacoustics


The project consist out of a sequence of spaces which are contrasting regarding to each other. The spaces are permanent, temporary or neutral. Permanent and temporary spaces are linked by means of neutral spaces. The variety of spaces are reminiscent of the variation of areas experienced within the park. Permanent spaces are the ones which are meant to stay in for a while and are therefore static. The intention is to designate a possible function to it. A small restaurant, exhibition space and studio space are examples of possible functions. The permanent spaces are situated at comfortable spots of the park. The temporary spaces are dynamic and are situated at the spots which turned out to be disturbing according to the questionnaire. In the temporary spaces the sound waves generated by the moving sources are going to be captured and reflected inside the site, by the use of surfaces. These surfaces consist of panels that will be illuminated when a sound bounces on them, as a way to visualize the trajectory of the reflection. The redirection of sound provides an attenuation of the sound level also. So on one hand people are attracted by the way how sound is visualised and on the other hand a more comfortable place is created, compared to the features the spaces used to have. The neutral spaces are meant to be a linkage between the permanent and temporary spaces.

on site

STEP 1.jpg
STEP 2.jpg
STEP 3.jpg
STEP 4.jpg
STEP 5.jpg

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