project C:TU Delft drs Kuil

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Drs. Ronald Kuil, sr. beleidsmedewerker vastgoedmanagement of TU Delft. First meeting on November 24th, 2011.

About the location

The De Vries van Heystplantsoen is part of TU vastgoed and kept green for very specific reasons.

First of all, green is a very positive thing in any neighbourhood.

Secondly it is green because of ecological values, not only for TU Delft but also for the municipality of Delft. The De Vries van Heystplantsoen is part of a larger green plan of the municipality.

Thirdly the park is there to create a link between the faculty of Architecture, the Science Centre and TU Delft Botanical gardens.

And last: TU Delft has no function to add to the location. All necessary functions are to be found elsewhere on campus.

About the design proposal

The concept of Spacebook is in line with TU Delft ideas and ambitions. TU Delft tried to create their own hive of activity in the Science Centre. At this moment (24-11-2011) the architectural implementation of the project is strong but could be better.

When the architectural proposal is made in such a way the structure connects the faculty of Architecture, Science Centre and Botanical gardens, the project would become very, very interesting for the university.

At this moment the traffic around the site is a big problem, it isolates the De Vries van Heystplantsoen. In the future this will not change, and the traffic will only increase on the side of the Science Centre. (see pictures).


The idea of Spacebook is very interesting to TU Delft. It is in line with the universities ambitions and ideas.

So far the park has no specific function or meaning for TU Delft, but Spacebook could become that function.

By taking the future traffic situation into account, and create a direct link with the structure between Architecture, Botanical gardens and Science Centre, TU Delft is very interested in this project and sees a lot of potential for the location.

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