atom02:Business man

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Senz Umbrellas is one of the more successful businesses started by TU Delft graduates, and located in the Science Centre building at Mijnbouwstraat, Delft. They have a wonderful meeting room in this old building that usually fits their demands. Now they are about to make a very important business deal, with a company specialised in non-standard user experiences, so together they can develop a new, ground breaking umbrella-concept. In this case their normal meeting room does not meet the requirements. They head of Senz umbrellas books a meeting space at the site across of their office to hold the meeting. The meeting space will provide both parties attending with an open minded attitude, that will give them a very inspiring meeting. Also, before the meeting starts the Senz Umbrella CEO will demonstrate the use of the site to the CEO of the non-standard company, as to show that Senz is open for new ideas and experiences.

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