atom06:Work overview

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Work in Progress

To define the strategy we are doing analysis on different topics: map the activities of users to understand what can stimulate interaction and communication; investigate the possible system's spatial ability; analyze the flow of people to determine the attractors place in which to place the metastases.

Analyze spatial ability


The diagrams relate to relationships and organizations of space according to F.D.K. Ching

Before actually deciding on who is going where with what purpose, these diagrams show the possibilities of any interaction. With this information we can look at the needs and demands of the various actors in our area. From this we can extrapolate a fitting brief, which we can mold within the possibilities of interaction via the relationships and organizations of the space. The (Inter)action of systems will be the key of our project.

The concept of these diagrams is to form an idea of organizing our users and their uses

Spatial relationships

Spatial organizations

From the center of this network, like in metastasis, things spread from the center to non-adjacent parts;contaminating all the city. Metastasis means "displacement" in Greek, from μετά, meta, "next", and στάσις, stasis, "placement".

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