atom03 talk:Home

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atom03 talk

Interview with desk member of the Science Center - they only go through the park to go to the Ketelhuis - in summer they lunch outside the building, not in the park - they've never stayed in it - the city council is already planning to make the road between Julianalaan and Mijnbouwstraat a 2-way street, and extending the park to the architecture department - they have about 38.000 visitors a year (more information from Michael van der Meer, head of the Science Center) - everything shown is T.U. related research, and experiments - this is their first year of operation, and they do promote it, but are doing very well. - there is a very broad and young support, mostly secondary school students interested in science - the T.U. shop and information center moved from the Aula to the S.C. - many T.U. meetings (staff and students) are held there because of good meeting rooms facilities - the Science Center has plans to expand to the north - the road (Mijnbouwstraat) is a too wide very dangerous road for children to cross, it is a big barrier with proper crossing

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