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Deflt City, Environmental office

Diny Tubbing is the writer of the report Ecologieplan Delft 2004 - 2015| Ecologieplan Delft 2004-2015, vakteam milieu

Kansenkaart deel Noord vakteam milieu 2011.JPG

Changing the roads

Extending the water structure

Park historical value & maintanance

A man in the park - Harry Koerts

Gardener at the botanical gardens - Karel Oberman

Director of the Science Center - Michael van der Meer

park options

Desk member of the Science Center

Map users activities

  1. Map the users
  2. Map their current & possible activities
  3. Identify
  4. How to connect users
  5. Find matching activities
  6. Match the users by their activities / mix functions
  7. Connecting activities form the interaction and program
  8. The program (list of activities) is organised / mapped


  1. How does it change by the effect of users?
  2. How to map the users? Diagrammatically, with sensors etc.

Possible usergroups

  1. Students
  2. Residents
  3. Science center (workers, visitors, ...)
  4. Architecture department (tutors, personnel)
  5. Botanical garden
  6. Duwo

editable user groups and their activities and needs - table

on the basis of this table possible activities can be identified for the various users surrounding out site.

One thing that is also important is the time frame in which these activities go on. For example, in the evenings/weekends, students will not be there in large numbers, as such the program will need to adjust to whoever will be there, and to provide as needed.

On top of these we can provide optional additional activities for connecting the TU and the residents as the connection models require

These two combined will provide us with a basis for our program on our site.

Map city attractor points

mapping the busy areas in Delft during the daytime throughout the week and the weekend shows us where there are good connection points for the possible metastasis objects to attract attention and real time connect to our center platform

Personal tools