atom09:Concept Proposal

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- Multiple Components:

There're different kinds of components within a system; They could be categorized as: Static and Non-static; Physical and abstract; Outside and Inside the boundary...

Non-static components could provide parametric values, which we call INPUT, this changes the state of other components;

the components which receive inputs can be either static or non-static, and they give OUTPUT to circulate the "interconnectivity".

- Intruders:

Components could be either inside or outside the system, while some of the non-static ones are moving from outside to inside or vice versa;

We call the moving non-static components "intruders".

Intruders are the most proper components which could provide inputs, they are the source of parameter values,

such as people, bicycles, sound, lights, movements, etc.

- Behavior of Components:

Most behaviors of non-static components are creating some flows and pressures by moving, such as the flows of walking people, they give inputs to the site;

And some of the static components are more likely just to receive inputs and give outputs, they may not give inputs.

- Interconnections between Components:

Interconnections concerns on transactions of information between two components. The key is that the transactions should be in some sense circular otherwise it is merely reaction.

Parametrical Directions

A system is closed if no material enters or leaves it;

it's open if there is import and export and, therefore, changes of components.

Non-static components can offer import and export values of parameter, because they're moving and changing.

Thus we'll focusing on 1 or 2 possible non-static components which can offer parameter values during further design.

Dividing Space.jpg

- Space Divition:

Divide the site into several components, and subsequently integrate each part of components with the surroundings.

Opening hours01.jpg

- Time Table:

Based on the time schedule of opening hours from the surrounding buildings, it is clear that the functions and relations are changing in time.

Time People02.jpg

- The "Intruder": TIME

Time, or rather the Time Table is the parameter, While people as a parameter is less controllable.

Flow light.jpg

- The Components: Movements and Space

Components, including directions of traffic movements, pedestrians, flexible spaces, etc., are affecting each other along with changing of time.

3 Layers.jpg

- 3 Layers:

The structure is based on three layers, the ground floor layer, a upper dynamic layer and an underground layer. The dynamic layer of structure is varying along with a scheduled time and people passing through. The part which is touching the ground shapes the road and pedestrians, the part which is hanged up shapes spaces.

- Dividing Directions

Div Dir L.jpg

A Floating Dynamic Structure

Kinetic art creating spaces

Art reacting on movements

Personal tools