atom06:ABOUT hyperbody

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ABOUT hyperbody

In Architecture goes wild, Kas Oosterhuis says that: "Architectural bodies are the target of technological invasion. They take part in global networks, they are connected. They interact with databases [people, websites, buildings, tables] in realtime and their shape and content changes all the time. Architecture no longer has a static end-configuration. The visible appearance of any building will become as unpredictable as the weather."

Archspace architecture gone wild kas oosterhuis 1.jpg
Archspace architecture gone wild kas oosterhuis 2.jpg
Archspace architecture gone wild kas oosterhuis 3.jpg
Archspace architecture gone wild kas oosterhuis 4.jpg

Architecture goes wild by Kas Oosterhuis

The way to get there: "Every design that architects create is a hypothesis, which can only be proven once the building is built. For immediate validation of design hypotheses, instead of constructing representations of to-be reality, we have to create architectural systems through experiential prototyping in physical and virtual space. Such prototypes are fully operational from day-1 of the design process. In this way the distinction between design and inhabitation of architecture blurs. In such process we take advantage of the principles of non-standard architecture and its special case - interactive architecture." - design studio brief

The idea is to make a non-standard architecture, a place that reacts, that breathes and interacts to and with the people that use it. Using software to make it possible to map analyses to help design the building in an optimal way regarding sun or people movement, or any other variable. Creating shapes with often a complex theoretical computational background to make futuristic designs that stimulate us.

some architects holding to these ideas are:

pan architects

architecture + design

ONL Oosterhuis & Lénárd

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