atom01 talk:Home

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atom01 talk


First Meeting

Before the first meeting took place Atom 2 visited the site and made a first map of the site and its surroundings.For the first meeting we created a presentation slide to present our concerns for the site and our interests within the design field. This slide can be seen here.

Site Analysis

Analysis gave us the following reasons why people hardly visit the site:

- The site has no program

- There is no landscaping or landscaping attributes (e.g. lamps, benches)

- The lush green border around the site works like a fence during summer

- Very diverse programming around site, site is leftover space.

Conclusion of analysis:

People don’t use the site, because there is no reason created to use it. Since people don’t use the site it is deserted, giving people passing by an ‘unsafe’ feeling (there is nobody there to control or watch over)

Goal for the site:

To create a building that offers divers programming 24/7. (Never a ‘dead’ moment)

Design Goal

How can a building support activity 24/7 ?

A website works 24/7 (ignoring maintenance) and is continuously evolving; e.g. a wiki page; the user is free to add content and to make it public worldwide. This way of doing things might inform our architecture in the sense that the physical site will deliver and permit a widespread of activities, programmable via a public website (multiple bookings will be possible if within the limitations of the program; I’m using program here to refer to the actual algorithm and physical site). Thus the site will be continuously changing and allowing the interweaving of human interaction (a lecture hall, next to a performance space next to individual study-rooms, etc).



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