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HyperPublic : Home / Tools

Concept: Create a community* to advance all MSc1 Hyperbody design projects.

Specialization: Participatory design

Validators: The community*

*All Hyperbody MSc1 students and teachers, from now on referred to as 'we'.

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And us:

Joost Noorden
Koen Kegel

Please use our feedback form and help us improve.

Public progress document

Follow us on Twitter: @HyberPublicNL

Our website (under construction) :


Editable Calendar

We have created an online calendar to which all actors will get access. Not only to view the information provided, but also to add their information which might be of interest to others.


By organizing a study trip to London, we will try to add interesting information in the form of architectural offices, museum visits and other activities. With input of the different atoms, we will create a programme that will be interesting to all who wish to join.

Anyone with ideas about this studytrip to London, can send us some feedback by using our feedback form. Thanks for you contribution!


In Protospace, we will invite speakers who will be able to contribute to different projects. If you are interested to learn more about a certain subject, please let us know, and we will try to arrange a lecture by the speaker of your choice or another person who's equally capable of conveying a similar message.

Social Events

By having a weekly meeting, actors can interact with each other on a more social level. This might lead to a better working atmosphere and more understanding of the people working on different projects. We believe social skills are a very important factor in working towards a common goal; in this case an architectural design.

Your Idea!
As you've found out by now, we would like to hear from you, since you are part of our MSc1 Hyperbody community by reading this. If you let us know your specific needs and ideas, we can try to work out a solution which may be used by anyone interested.

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Software information and tutorials

Information about all possible software programs and tutorials made by users and community (ToiPedia, Youtube, Teachers, You!)

Actor Database

A live map of all the relevant information of all the atoms and individual persons within each atoms, showing their status and interests, their field of research, their knowledge, strengths and weaknesses. Other atoms or individual persons within each atom can look up this information and react on it accordingly.


A list of all relevant literature used by every atom, open for anyone to contribute to and read.

Reference List

A list of all relevant references used by every atom, open for anyone to see

Your Idea!
As you've found out by now, we would like to hear from you, since you are part of our MSc1 Hyperbody community by reading this. If you let us know your specific needs and ideas, we can try to work out a solution which may be used by anyone interested.

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A forum where all users can give their information and ask any question they have on their mind. Either students or teachers can read this forum and react with their insights. Anyone can bump or give a thumps up to any post, making these posts more relevant then others.


A place where all users can offer there services, things they know a lot about or are good at, other people can react on these posts and ask them for help. In return these helping heroes will get help themselves from other users of the platform according to their needs.

Direct teacher feedback

When u have a question about a certain subject, u post it on the platform and we automatically direct the question to the best suited teacher on the subject. Everyone can see these posted questions and answers from the teachers, with possible added files. This way both the original question poster and the rest of the community are satisfied, even the teacher, reaching a bigger audience.

Physical design space

Uitleg dat we mogelijk iets fysieks bouwen, waarin we alles dat we geleerd hebben van het ontwerpen van tools waarmee een ontwerpcommunity kan worden gemaakt, in een praktijkontwerp kunnen inzetten..

Your Idea!
As you've found out by now, we would like to hear from you, since you are part of our MSc1 Hyperbody community by reading this. If you let us know your specific needs and ideas, we can try to work out a solution which may be used by anyone interested.

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Voting system

Users can vote for certain information on the platform. The information which the community votes for the most, is shown more prominently on the site. The original poster of this information will be rewarded by having a higher total number of received votes, called 'Hyperpoints'. These 'Hyperpoints' will be shown prominently on the main page, so people will have an instant overview of the most active contributors. This hopefully will inspire others to do the same.

Participation rewards

We are thinking of ways people can be rewarded by participating. The voting system is already a form of reward, but we would like to offer more than this. We would only like to use positive stimuli. Students could for example vote for projects they like most every week, so they are looking for the best projects and are also learning from others as they do. Another way would be to find a manageable system of extra credits for the design course based on the Hyperpoints described above.

Your Idea!
As you've found out by now, we would like to hear from you, since you are part of our MSc1 Hyperbody community by reading this. If you let us know your specific needs and ideas, we can try to work out a solution which may be used by anyone interested.

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