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HyperPublic Concept

Hyper : (adjective) Excessively, beyond, above

Public : (noun) People in general (adjective) Open to or shared by all the people

We strive to create an accessible space, adjustable by the users to respond to their specific needs. The demand of the potential users is explored through a questionnaire which will enhance active use of the space.

With our general concept in mind, we decided to explore the following structures: static structure and a dynamic structure.




Joost Noorden
Koen Kegel
Manon Lucile Tardieu

Publicly accessible progress document

You can use our public feedback form to help us improve.

Our website:

Follow us on Twitter: @HyberPublicNL





110926 Ecotect front page.png

The study of the site focuses on the visibility to and from the site, this required looking at the current vegetation occupying the space.

Foto campus2.jpg

'The people want the buildings that represent their social and community life to give more than functional fulfillment. They want their aspiration for monumentality, joy, pride, and excitement to be satisfied.'

Sigfried Giedion,(1943)- Nine Points on Monumentality



Location Manon.jpg

The layout of the site is designed around the surrounding existing buildings as well as the current systems of activities with which it interacts.


"Everything that appears in public can be seen and heard by everybody and has the widest possible publicity. For us, appearance -something that is being seen and heard by others, as well as by ourselves – constitutes reality."

Arendt (1958) - Human Condition

Location Manon.jpg

An inteligent constructive system capable to understand and interprete the ideas of the temporary inhabitants of the landscape.


Reference PistoninTree.jpg

The Tree of Knowledge Memorial is an old tree with a special structure build around it, imitating its old leaves. This could be our way of shaping our structure, letting the pistons move to change it's shape

Reference FlonTree.jpg

The Flon Tree is a design for a public place where the roots of the tree functions as benches for people to meet and talk to each other. Our project should function in the same way, the roots coming our of the ground when they are needed

Reference OMA.jpg

OMA's Prada Transformer designed this pavilion to be used in multiple ways, it can change in four different functions by changing its orientation. It has to be moved by crane, something we can do better


/// A HyperPublic Landscape // 

diagram - Quick concept overview

////// What is the challenge //

How do one create a HyperPublic space? What does it look like?

Which brings ///problem 01//

How can a specific user be defined? Our first measure was to design a questionnaire which we presented to selected potential users and neighbors of the site.

////// How do we intervene //

/// static Intervention //

Plan Libre / Proposed

01. currently, the access to the site is intimidation due to the vegetation bordering the whole lot. The idea is to lift patches of this vegetation above the ground of the site and create sort of "plan libre" on the site.

The vegetation blocks the access to the site / Current

Cupping of the public/Rain protection/Active topography  / Proposed

No plan organization/Rain exposure/Flat topography / Current

02. The idea is to "cup" people that walk on the site. The "plan libre" created by the lifting of the vegetation would turn the site into a temporary space used simply to get to the bus, class, etc.

03. The protection from the rain enables people to use the space while it is raining, some may even use the object solely for that particular function.

04. The active topography gives a more entertaining ground floor and it directs people through the site.

/// Dynamic - Interactive Intervention //

Combined elements of the design / Proposed

The skin of the structure grows and retract to adapt to its required functions, very much like the plants all around adapt to seasons to survive.

/// (Public) Progress /// 



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